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A Sustainable Way to Feed the World

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there will be 10 billion people living on Earth by the year 2050. With resources already growing scarce, we need to find a way to feed all these people without destroying the world in the process.

Alternative fats are part of the solution.

Power to Food

We create sustainable alternatives to traditional oil and fat products. They’re created through ”Power-to-X” technology that combines water and carbon dioxide together with electricity into fatty acids and triglycerids. The process bipasses traditional agricultural production which decreases the use of fresh water, nitrogen, phosphorous, and the need for larger areas of arable land.

With the Green-On process we can replicate animal or plant based products down to the very last molecule, or create completely new compounds, all in the lab. Making everything vegan, everything cruelty-free, everything sustainable. 

The Power-to-Food Process

Step 1: Power

Add sustainably sourced electricity, a minimum amount of water, and carbon dioxide from the air or even from third-party industrial emissions.


Step 2: Process

Chemically syntesize molecules like fatty acids or triglycerides. Tweak the process depending on end-product needs to create different oil and fat substitutes.


Step 3: Product

Use E-fat as a sustainable substitute ingredient in things like cheese, chocolate, shortening, cooking oil, ice-cream, pastries, sausages, and more.

Make Food Anywhere

When you’re trying to feed the world, arable land is a problem. Finding locations where the soil is right, the climate is right, and bugs don’t kill the crops, are all problems. Green-On’s poduction process is a solution. We can make food anywhere; in the arctic, in the desert, maybe someday even on Mars.

Plastic from Waste

By-products from industrial processes are often seen as something negative. But not always. The by-products from our power-to-food process include building blocks for plastic polymers that can be used as fossil free material for the plastic industry.

Waste is a matter of perspective, after all.

8 Reasons for Green-On Solutions

Why Green-On’s alternative fats and oils? What are the real world benefits to using the power-to-food process to create hard fat for food, sweets and other products? Here are a few key highlights:

  • No arable land
  • No fertilizers
  • No pesticides
  • No deforestation
  • Provide food security
  • Use less fresh water
  • Avoid climate-related issues
  • Carbon neutral (going on carbon negative!)

Product Development of Palm Oil Replacer

Our new product is here to replace palm oil. This is a bold statement to some, self-evident to us since…

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a High-End Chef Worthy Bearnaise Sauce

When a high-end Michelin-starred chef makes a request, you do your best to fulfill it. This is how a bearnaise…

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Product Development of Cheese

It's not ordinary, it's non-dairy, it's the Green-On cheese. Our latest creation melts in the mouth, looks like cheese, tastes…

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Product Development of Cookie Filling

At AAK bakery lab in Antwerp, a new product came to life—a coconut substitute made from CO2, electricity, and water.…

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Chemist Award from the Swedish Chemical Society

We're bursting with pride to announce that our Chief Technology Officer, Anders Lorén, has received the prestigious Silvertackan prize from Svenska Kemisamfundet!…

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Patent Protection in Europe

The other day, the European Patent Organization sent us the proof; we are now granted patent protection in Europe! As…

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Press Release July 19 2022

Green-On in new partnerships to create sustainable food for the future. The Sweden-based foodtech company Green-On announces two new partners…

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Shortening for Sandwiches

Swedish state news media outlet SVT reports about Green-On (includes video): - In leaves, the plant uses chemical reactions to…

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Power to Food

Food Planet Prize has written an article about Green-On: Production of foodstuffs using this process can replace part of today’s…

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A Kilo of Butter

Business industry magazine DI has written an article about Green-On: A prerequisite for making food from electricity is, of course, that…

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Green-On AB

Green-On is a Swedish tech start-up that specializes in organic chemistry. We have developed a way to re-create animal- and plant-based fats and oils in the lab, without farming.

Org. no. 559291-9913

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Phone Number

+46 708 365 124

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Our Office

Green-On AB, World Trade Center
Mässans gata 10, 412 51 Göteborg

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